Guidelines on how to comment on the planning proposal:

Write - an email is fine - to Head your email Application number 19/00311/PD Spaceport infrastructure. If you wish to write a letter the address is Comhairle nan Eilean-Siar, Planning Department, Balivanich Council Offices, Benbecula Western Isles HS7 5LA.

It is important to state whether you support, object or are neutral about the proposal.

Give your reasons citing “material considerations”.

Examples of material considerations are -

  • Negative / adverse visual impact of the development - particularly on the landscape and / or locality

  • Detrimental effect of proposed development on the character of the local area which is either wholly within or adjacent to the National Scenic Area

  • The likely adverse impact upon the natural world of the noise, dust, fumes and pollution created by the firing of rockets

  • Likely contamination and pollution of an area rich in wildlife both on land and in the sea

  • Decommissioning Phase 1 has the potential for leaving an ugly concrete pad as a permanent scar on the landscape 

  • The scale and dominance of the proposed development after Phase 1 is complete which is likely to include tall buildings for the assembly of rockets

  • The potential for adverse impacts upon a site which is rich in archeology

  • The incompatibility of the rights of Freedom to Roam with the fencing and enclosure of an industrialised Spaceport

  • The proximity of the proposed Spaceport site to the proposed St Kilda Viewpoint Centre which would overlook and be disadvantaged by the industrialisation of the Scolpaig site

  • These are only ideas. Other material considerations are those included in the headings in the Table of Contents in Atkins’ Scoping Report (found on CnES’ Planning Portal, Planning Appliation No. 18/00234). You may, of course, raise your own considerations and expand upon any matter you consider relevant.